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Innovation Nation in Action- Resilience

Writer's picture: Yael ShanyYael Shany

a lot is being said about our resilient innovative society in Israel.

This morning gives us examples of both aspects:

a. resilient spirit. b. innovation superiority,

a. Our Resilient spirit. People are asking how do we innovate even when the routine is tempered with rockets. So this is how we do it. this is how it looks like.
"they say when the cannons roar the muses are silent. In Israel the muses roar". Yael Shany, 2014

b. Innovation superiority in security and economy. Here is former Israel Vice Prime Minister explaining how Israel thrives out of innovation superiority: 1. in its' security- intercepting terrorists hiding in the population- in a syringe attack. 2. in its' innovation- diffusing innovation technologies developed for security into the civil industry.
"the Israeli economy is based on Knowledge and Spirit. our brains and our hearts". Vice PM Bogie Yaalon, 2012



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